Sunday, July 13, 2008

Arrived in Chicago!


We didn't have Internet access or cell service last night when we checked into our hotel in an itty bitty farm town in Wisconsin.

I had a GREAT visit with my grandmother and about 60 relatives! They gave me a fantastic send off party. Many of the little kids I had never met before and it had been at least 15 years since I seen any of them, so it was pretty neat.

I was the first contestant to check in! The clerk took one look at me and asked if I was a contestant (I didn't have my sash on) that's how I found out I was the first to check in. After I checked in I walked around to get a feel for the hotel, it is a beautiful place.

On the Skokie Blvd side of the hotel there is a HUGE banner advertising the pageant hanging on the building.

I've located a nail spa and tanning place just a few blocks away and Kevin can get his tux pressed for free at Men's Warehouse just a block away! Tomorrow will be errand and workout/sleep day.

Tonight I will get the room all setup. Everything arrived fine on the plane. No lost luggage and we didn't have to pay any luggage fee's at all because we bought our plane tickets back in March way before they started the fee program per bag. So spread the word because unless you bring it to their attention they will just automatically charge you.

Excited to be here, I will talk to you soon.

Brenda Mee
Mrs. Idaho International 2008

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